Broken mirrors

How many of you all realize how much you resemble your parents? And I’m not just speaking on the physical appearance. I’m actually not speaking on the physicality at all. I’m speaking on the lifestyle and what I like to call the mirror effect. Because everyone has had someone stop them and hit you with this. “You act just like your (mother/father)” and you just blow it off. But later on in life sat back and realized how some of your traits and actions, even lifestyle choices MIRRORED your parents?
So I’m a give you a real life example of this subject, using my own situation. My father was on drugs and ended up being pushed out the picture around my 5th grade year. Now fast forward to my life in the 2000’s I woke up one night after a main event match with Patron and powder followed up by a rematch with a lil light skin queen. So I hop out the bed grab a Newport and go rush the toilet. So I’m sitting there handling business for about five minutes while reflecting on last nights adventure. When I was done I wiped, hoped up and was washing my hands. I looked in the mirror and noticed I had the same look on my face that my dad would have after his expeditions.
Then it hit me I swear my lifestyle was nothing but a mirror image of his. I said damn, and swore he looked back at me through the mirror. Hold up for a second tho, fast forward to the present. All I have been hearing for the last couple of years is how much I resemble my mother. And truth be told I have been noticing how much I act like her. But trust me tho she is ten times harder than any man I know. So to end this and get to the point, I broke the mirror!

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